Defining a Concussion: Times Have Changed

As medical science has continued to advance, concussion is now recognized for what it is: a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). Dr. Kristin Heinen, of the Pediatric Neurology Deptartment at the University of Virginia, explains that a concussion falls under the umbrella of brain injuries. It’s considered mild rather than moderate or severe because nothing Read More

Intimate Partner Violence

Need to Be Screened for TBI When thinking about the range of injuries suffered through intimate partner violence, one’s mind doesn’t necessarily turn to Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs), and yet all too often that’s exactly what happens. This can happen in many ways including when a person is struck or suffers a blow to the Read More

Myths about Concussions: Part One

Despite the fact that physicians have been diagnosing concussions for thousands of years (dating all the way back to the 10th century!), many myths about concussions and their treatment persist today. We asked medical experts in our community to address and dispel these myths. This is Part One of a three-part series on concussion myths Read More

Ways to Reduce Concussion Risk

Determining ways to reduce concussions is part of the work being done by the Virginia Concussion Initiative, a collective of medical experts, health care providers, educators, and other stakeholders. Explains Dr. Andrew Lincoln, Director, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Research, and a member of the Initiative, when focusing on risk reduction, three different phases of the Read More